Why Apps are becoming the hottest tech
We at LumberyardApp are a small team focussed on providing our customers with their own uniquely customized app. We take our time with each app and provide great individual service and communication. We therefore limit the number of apps we build. We have discovered a unique way to bring down the costs of building your custom app. Take a look.
The Lumberyard App
Even as the big national contractor referral sites grew in influence we have always had a steady stream of website visitors and eventual customers for our members. Customers prefer the local connection. It is seen as more trustworthy.
We all use our mobile phones and an app is the best way to reach your people via push notifications.
By now we are experts at building apps for lumberyards economically and fast. My background as a builder and customer of local lumberyards has shaped the design of the app. The app is then customized to your business and brand.
Apps are tricky. They are much more complicated than websites. Both Google and Apple regularly update their app codes, which requires an update to any published apps. Setting up your developer account with both Apple and Google ia another hurdle. As a builder I don’t much enjoy or understand ‘Geek Talk’, nor do I want to. So we’ve made the process of building your app it as simple as possible. Dog Simple

We know the business. We pride ourselves on excellent service. We provide ongoing support and customization. We take care of every step and make it as easy as possible for you. Dog Simple.